P4 at Silverstone

Rinaldi Racing Ferrari at Silverstone - picture by Ingo Schmitz
Rinaldi Racing Ferrari at Silverstone - picture by Ingo Schmitz

At the Blaincpain Endurance Cup in Slverstone, the Rinaldi Racing Trio of Pierre Ehret, Rory Penttinen and Rick Yoon finished in the 4th spot of the Am-class. Finishing driver was Pierre Ehret who took the checkquered flag after 87 laps with his #488 Ferrari F488 GT3 , with a margin of 24s missing to the final podium-spot.

The Rinaldi-Racing-trio started the race from 4th in class after the Qualifying. A rather good result, considered that this was the first race at all for Rory Penttinen and Rick Yoon at Silverstone.

At sunny skies and summerlike temperatures the 3hours long race got started on afternoon. Rory Penttinen was able to immediatly take the lead of the class at the start. A duel with the second placed car in class went in his favor. Leading the class he handed the car over to Rick Yoon after one hour. Rick drove a solid stint while fighting with the track-conditions. 1 hour before the finish he came back in the pits as fourth in class to hand over the Ferrari to Pierre Ehret. Unfortunately a little problem occured during the stop, and so the crew lost 2 minutes and the chance to take another shot for the podium. Until the end Pierre tried to fight back to minimize the distance to the 3rd placed car, but at the end time ran out although he was able to catch up. At the end the team had to be satisfied with 4th in class and further points for the championship