Cooked out in Monza

Rinaldi Racing Ferrari #488 in Monza - picture by Ingo Schmitz
Rinaldi Racing Ferrari #488 in Monza - picture by Ingo Schmitz

The first race of the Blancpain GT Series Endurance Cup ended early for Pierre Ehret and his new teammate Rino Mastronardi. At the traditional series opener in Monza the engine of the Rinaldi Racing Ferrari F488 with the #488 called it a day after suffering from a cooling leak. Until that point the german/italian duo was in an unchallenged lead in the amateur class.

Pierre Ehret: "The race started well from pole. I drove the first stint and was successful in avoiding the mayham at the masscollision on the start-lap. In the lead of our class I handed the Ferrari over to Rino, who was able to extend our lead. But when he came back to the pits to hand over the car for my 2nd stint the Ferrari was already steaming from the back. We went back to the race but the engine temperatures were immediatly out of control. In the pits, we identified a loose cooling hose as cause, but the engine had already called it quit. So we were not in the position to get back in the race and gain some points.

It is of course bitter to lose a safe victory but we must now simply check off the race and attack again at Silverstone. At least we know now our potential for the championship."