Accident spoils Petit Le Mans Podium

CRS Ferrari at the Petit Le Mans (picture: Jan Hettler)
CRS Ferrari at the Petit Le Mans (picture: Jan Hettler)

It could have been the highlight of the year for Pierre Ehret and his teammates Roger Wills and Tim Mullen. After a difficult qualifying, the CRS-Ferrari F430 of Ehret was leading its class at the 4 hour mark of the edition of the Petit Le Mans 1000 mile race on the famous Road Altanta racetrack in Braselton, Georgia. But an accident of Ehret in Turn 1 and the succeeding 65 Minute repair-break ended all hopes for another podium. Finally the Team took the chequered flag as 5th in class.

In the decisive moments of the race Ehret was at the wheel of his F430: „I took over from Tim and we were in good position, eventually leading the class. I was nearly at the end of my doublestint, extending our lead with very good laptimes. Then I first had a tangle with a prototype and a GTC-Porsche in Turn 6 which resulted in slight bodywork-damage. This was without consequences, but a little later on I ran too wide at turn 1 and decided to hit the grass smoothly. This turned out to be an error as the car was out of control on the grass and hit the tirewall; not too hard but enough to cause a radiator-damage. This meant a repair break that costed us 65 Minutes or 40 laps.

That was a shame! I feel sorry for Roger and Tim who delivered a faultless race. We were effectivly leading the class and even if the later winning Krohn-Ferrari would have caught us, without my accident that would have turned into a very good fight for 2nd between us and the frensh Larbre Competition Corvette. Now our charge for 2nd in the championship is effectively over. In China at the seasonending race of the ILMC we now just hope for a good single result.“