#62 CRS-crew encounters Petit Le Mans

CRS-Ferrari #62 at turn 3 at Road Atlanta - photo by Jan Hettler
CRS-Ferrari #62 at turn 3 at Road Atlanta - photo by Jan Hettler

This weekend German sportscar pilot Pierre Ehret is starting at one of the most important sportscar races in Northamerica. The 14th edition of the Petit Le Mans 1000 mile race will see the CRS-Ferrari #62 start with the same crew as 2 weeks before at the successful 6h race at Silverstone. Pierre Ehret, Roger Wills and Tim Mullen want to go for another podium in the GTE-Am-class in the max. 10 hour race which is about to start on saturday the 1st of october.

Ehret likes the up- & down-track in Georgia, which reminds him partially for the famous Nürburgring-Nordschleife. „I feel confident on the track, so I intend to miss the warmup tomorrow to let my both copilots familliarize with the track. Our lap-times are not so far away from our competitors. Some have faster professional drivers on board but also slower gentleman-drivers. I think our main competitors during the race might be the green Krohn-Ferrari.“

Qualifying ended with a 5th in class and 43th position overall. Tomorrow 53 cars are allowed in for the race. „Tim had bad luck in qualifying. First he hit the grass, then a yellow line and got a stop&go for that. After that he was out of rythm. But the qualifying-result is of less meaning for a 10 hour race. The main thing with 53 starters on a 4,1km long track will be to survive and keep away from all incidents.“

The race start tomorrow saturday the 1st of October at 11.30 EST (= 17.00 MEZ) and can be followed live via videostream & live-timing on americanlemans.com .